Freyja, my gentle and kind German Shepherd Dog, has taken to cuddling up in my favorite reading chair in the dining room. The chair is white with pink roses (another pink Saturday) which really isn't all that great to use as a large-size dog bed, but, not being one who would dare to damage the self-esteem of any of my fuzzy kids, I grabbed a pink bedspread to cover the upholstery so Miss Doggy could lounge and nap just like the kitties in the house...that is, when I'm not sitting in the chair reading a good book. As you can easily see, Freyja still thinks that she isn't supposed to be in the chair if you are a student of doggy body language. Life is hard when you are a big dog because all of the cute stuff is made for little dogs, so being able to give Freyja a place she could call her very own is special to me.

What can anyone say about Camille Suzanne other than the fact that she is absolutely gorgeous? The bed she is cuddling into rests on a radiator in my dining room (gee, I should change the dining room to the pet room!) I have kitty baskets tied to the tops of all the radiators in my Edwardian home. I have hot water heat and when the boiler bubbles up, those kitties sure love to snuggle into a basket to cook and percolate!
Camille is a rescue kitty from my local animal shelter. I spotted her 7 years ago, curled up into a tiny ball of white fluff trying to take a nap and to stay warm. When she heard me walk into the room she raised her head and tried, I mean tried, to open her beautiful eyes but they were held shut with oozing infection. The decision was made for me. I opened the cage, cupped the tiny, white body in my hands and walked into the shelter office. I told Holly that I was adopting the kitten I had cuddled in my arms. That was that and that was the last time Camille had to feel hungry, cold, sick or unwanted. In fact, I hate to admit this but she really does run this place. Do you think the fact that I keep telling her how much I love her and how pretty she is has given her the idea that she is special? BTW, another "pink alert"...check out Camille's sweet pink nose and ears! Her paw pads are pink, too, how cute!

Last, this PINK SATURDAY is Scout, my Golden Retriever. Rescued from the shelter at the age of 3, he has lived with me for the past 5 years. Kind, sweet, gentle, loving and precious, he told me that he wouldn't feel ashamed if the world knew that a boy dog "had a thing" for a stuffed pink pig! Scout is very confident in his doggy-ness! Scout is the pooch who loves to lay on the bed next to me with his head on a pillow next to mine. He loves to do that and I love him to do it, too. We have a mutual admiration society going on 24/7!

So, you see, pink is not just my favorite color, it just happens to attract the canines and felines that share my home with me. Besides, don't they just look so cute in pink? I sure think so!
If you love pink, or just like to look at pink things, be sure to stroll over to Beverly's blog. She's got oodles of blogs listed that are celebrating PINK SATURDAY!