Well, I'm back to thrifting at Goodwill again this week☺ The little lamp above is still sitting around my house without a shade or a permanent place to rest itself, but I'm sure that over time the
light will go on in my head and I'll know just where this cutie pie should spend some time.

As I was walking through my Goodwill Store it hit me, good grief, there they were, all lined up and set for their blogging debut! My local store arranges ladies' clothes by color and by size. So if you want a pink sweater or a pink blouse or a pink nightie or a pink shirt...there you go, all in a row! Of course, they also have other colors (go figure) but this is Pink Saturday so that's what I aimed my camera at for a photo or two. They sure make it convenient for you, don't they?

This bush is a part of the pink garden on the side of my house that I mentioned last week. Now, don't ask me what's the name of this flowering shrub because I lost the tag ages ago. But, if one of you can tell me, I'd sure be happy about that, especially since a friend of mine asked the other day and I had to tell her that I didn't have a clue. Every June literally thousands of blossoms pop out on this reliable stand-by to welcome summer into my neck of the woods. Did I tell you that I l♥ve pink?

Isn't this something? My Christmas cactus that turned into an Easter cactus a while back has now decided that it is going to be a
Welcome Summer cactus! Talk about fickle! I'm just happy that it bloomed because the poor thing has been mangled by the lovely Miss Camille Suzanne numerous times over the years. It really, really has a will to survive!

Last week everyone fell in ♥ with Miss Camille Suzanne's little, pink tongue so I thought I'd close this Pink Saturday with another photo I took of her as she was washing her delicate pink and white toes! How do I get these pictures? Well, my camera sits by my laptop and there is a folded blanket on the table next to me so Camille can be near her momma to nap or to bathe and snoopervise! And, boy can she snoopervise!
That's it for me this week. Be sure to drop by Beverly's
HOW SWEET THE SOUND, our hostess for this wonderful event. There is a list a mile long of gorgeous blogs that you can visit for a pink fix unlike anything in cyberspace. See you next week!