I have been abundantly blessed the by heavens. As a young woman I gave birth to two, healthy, gorgeous sons. Those sons married lovely girls who presented me with seven of the most adorable grandchildren. Out of those seven - there is one, little girl, Rachel Elizabeth, who truly IS all sugar and spice and love and cuddles and curls.
When holidays roll by during the year, Rachel's mommy, Becky, pulls out all of the arts and crafts supplies in their home (volumes, really) and the family sits down to make cards and presents. This Valentine's Day a large, manila envelope arrived at my home with four of the sweetest Valentine's that Rachel and her three brothers had made for me, their Mimi.
With her little thumbs dipped in paint Rachel was helped to make the Valentine you see below. Now, this little card is only one in what must be millions that were sent this year from friends to friends - relatives to relatives - and sweetheart to sweetheart. But THIS ONE - THIS ONE is worth a MILLION DOLLARS and you'll not be able to convince me otherwise.
More Pink Saturday sweetness can be found at Beverly's HOW SWEET the SOUND. Each week this lovely lady takes the time to host this special event focusing on a color that sends it's participants to swooning and fainting! Go see, you won't be disappointed and when you are finished visiting the blogs you will be IN THE PINK!