PINK SATURDAY again over at Beverly's blog HOW SWEET THE SOUND. As I looked around today wondering what I would share with all of you this Saturday, I decided that I would take photos of things that are all in one room of my home instead of bits and pieces from here and there. With that thought in mind, I'm sharing photos of items I have in my kitchen, which of course, is loaded with pink, what else?
The first pinkie that I enjoy so much is my pink,
Zenith television. Made in the early '80s, I found it on
eBay for $35.00. For years I always thought that having a television in the kitchen was just the most decadent thing imaginable, especially if it was hooked up to Cable. I have since moved on from that thought, but that doesn't reduce the affection I have my pink television. Every now

and then it acts like it doesn't feel so good, coughing and burping with a not-so-wonderful noise coming from somewhere in the back and underneath. When that happens I hold my breath and close my eyes and wonder where on earth I will find someone to fix the darned thing if it dies. Then, like magic, it comes back to life. I breathe a sigh of relief, but in the back of my mind I know that the day will come (hopefully years from now) when I'll walk into the kitchen, flip the switch to turn it on...and nothing will happen. When that happens I hope someone is around to hold me tight because I'm sure I'll feel as though I have lost a good friend. Then I'll pull myself together, boot up my computer, log onto eBay and cross my fingers hoping that someone is selling a pink tv they found at a yard sale!
Next in line is something that is very precious to my ♥heart♥. Back when I still smoked cigarettes, I told myself that if the day ever came when I stopped smoking I'd get the cutest sign I could find to put in my house that would announce to my visitors that I lived in a smoke-free zone. Well, two years ago I gave up smoking and within a couple of weeks I found this cutie pie on
eBay (again). A little more than two years have passed since then. I still haven't smoked and the sign is still on my kitchen counter to remind me that I accomplished something that used to be only a dream.

When I saw this little, pink,
KitchenAid clock I knew that it had to be mine because I have the real thing sitting on my kitchen counter.
KitchenAid is a brand that I rely on when it comes to small appliances. I got my small-appliance-admiration from my
mother. I remember standing on a stool next to my
mother when I was a little girl as she poured ingredients into the bowl of her mixer. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that whatever she was making was going to be delicious and she never let me down! I have two sons who have
KitchenAid's in their homes. I guess none of us wants to break the chain of good luck that began in the '30s when my
mother received her first in a long line of
KitchenAid appliances.

I'm sharing my little polka dot miniatures today because I am hoping that one of you might recognize the pattern and be able to tell me where to find more. A while back I was browsing the isles at my local
Goodwill Store (I love that place) and spied just one plate/saucer and one, itsy, bitsy cup. I plunked down my fifty cents, brought the two home and felt as though I had won the prize of the day. I'd love to find more pieces to add to these. To give you an idea of their size, those are three mini-marshmallows inside the cup. Cute, huh?

Lastly, every kitchen worth its salt needs a kettle on the stove, don't you think? I found this sweet piece of graniteware at our local
Habitat for Humanity Re-sale Store. You've really got to rummage around in there, and can't mind getting dusty, but that's part of the fun when you're on the prowl with a couple of bucks in your pocket.
Well, that winds things up for me this Saturday. Be sure to drop by
HOW SWEET THE SOUND to find all of the other blogs that are participating in PINK SATURDAY. Everyone shares a wide variety of pink goodies, some you'd never imagine would show up in a blog...but they do!