Not long ago I went over to a Pink Saturday blog, Sweet Memory Making Mom. The first thing that I saw was the cutest and sweetest and most adorable, little pin cushion I had ever laid my eyes on. (I need to mention that Disney's Dumbo is one of those cartoons very close to my heart. Each and every time I see his mother, Mrs. Jumbo, reach for her baby from behind bars to hold him to rock him to sleep...well, I lose it and begin to bawl like a baby. I can't help it. The love a mother has for her children is so sacred to me, nothing more precious.) Anyway, I followed the link Ellen placed on her blog over to Etsy and there was my little cutie pie, all set for me to adopt so she could move into her new home. When she finally arrived I tore open the package to find that I was thrilled with the quality of Mrs. Jumbo, in fact, I got much more than expected. Not only my precious, cutie pie pin cushion was inside the box but a little, matching pillow filled with the most fragrant lavender my nose has ever had the pleasure to sniff. Take a little trip over to Sweet Memory Making Mom's place, you will not be disappointed at all. And then take a cruise over to her Etsy shoppe...just too cute for words!

Next, my little violet is blooming (usually under a cage to keep it from being eaten by my cat) for the first time since she came to live with me. The name of this darling is IsaBelle and is part of the Southern Belle Series. Just before the blossoms open they look like tiny, pink bells. How cute is that?

This little tweetie-pie was a gift from a dear, blogging friend, Claudie, over at Bubblin' Over. You just have to love a birdie who takes the time to curl her feathers before someone takes her photo! Claudie took a break from blogging for a while but, happily, she's back. (Missed you, Claudie!)
Last, but certainly not least, is my sweetie egg! I found this at Goodwill Industries about a month ago. At first it held pink foil-wrapped, chocolate eggs but then they all got eaten up by me, the grandsons and my son and his wife, so I had to come up with something to fill it that made me happy. I used some aqua and pink paper shred and a little, pink chick that...if you hold can hear it peep-peep-peep! I love it and so does my grandson, Ben. Whenever he drops by with his parents he wants to hold it to hear the little bird tweet.
I've been saving something really cool since I began to participate in Pink Saturday, but I think that next week, I''ll share. You will be surprised and you will be shocked and you will think to yourself, I need to show this to my hubby, bet we can make one of these!