I have thought and thought and thought about why in the world
PINK is a color that I literally gravitate to...in my home, shopping, tag sales, food, paint, wallpaper, clothes, the ears and nose of my kitty, Camille.
Pink elephants? You betcha! Pink lemonade? Sure! Pink polka dots? Give me dozens! I don't have a clue why it attracts me, but it does and I l♥
ve it!
For years I used the PC in my office, getting it updated frequently, polishing it, using it with care and consideration for the valuable machine it was to my daily life. I could e-mail my sister in California, attach the newest photo of my pet or grandchild or renovation on my home, hit the send icon and think, "Wow, isn't this cool?" I was content and happy and serene.
My PC and my office were my haven from the rest of the world and my portal to adventure and knowledge. I could go to India or Zanzibar or find the best recipe for
Tiramisu that cyberspace had to offer. I could check out the sales at my local grocery store, order a new pair of boots from Penney's, pay my bills, or subscribe to a magazine in a heartbeat.

I was as happy as could be in my little home office with my cherished PC. My trusted and reliable friend. Then, out of nowhere I saw
IT. There
IT was in all of its PINKNESS. My heart beat like a wild drum nearly popping out of my chest. My eyes grew as big as saucers. Drool, let's not even discuss the

moisture that dripped from my chin. There
IT was on my TV screen, A PINK LAPTOP! I thought I was going to faint right then and there. Oh, my, could it be? Should I? Could I? Would I? You betcha I would, in a heartbeat and I ordered the little, pink mouse, too.
Ohmygosh, an adorable pinkie
mousie for my pinkie laptop. Could life be any better? Uhm, well...maybe.

Next I checked out
eBay for a tote to hold all of my darling pinkie's accessories and books and programs. I just knew that there would be a pink one for me to buy if I entered the right search. Who cared how much it cost...my new pinkie laptop would deserve to have the very best home available with a little spot to tuck in the sweet pinkie
mousie when it went night-night at the end of the day. Pinkie laptop would need a safe place to snuggle when she wasn't taking me to places on the other side of the world or helping me pay bills or plan my weekly menu.

I was hyperventilating waiting for the UPS dude to arrive. When he finally made it to my house, I was about to grab him by the collar and pull him up my porch steps to get my hands on my parcel when he finally made it to my front door. I signed for my purchase and nearly lopped off his nose as I slammed the front door. I needed to check out my new sweetie pinkie and he'd just have to understand about his nosebleed. "Oh, my, just look at it", I thought...pink, pink, pink! I was literally swooning with excitement and filled with am♥ur. I gently took pinkie out of her container and held her like a newborn babe. MINE ALL MINE! Clutching my new pinkie laptop to my breast I sat down at my kitchen table and counted all of my little, pink blessings.

Next on my list was a new camera, of course, it just MUST match my pinkie laptop. After all, what if I was outside in my garden surfing the web for the latest bulbs and seeds and wanted to snap a photo of the latest blooms on my Sweet Peas to send to the Garden Club

Ladies? I couldn't have the neighbors see me with my darling pinkie and a plain Jane black camera, nope, not ever. Horrors! We must keep up our pinkie appearances!
A trip to
Wal*Mart took care of my pink camera fetish along with a pink case to house the little gal when she wasn't being used to snap photos of whatever little pinkie thing my heart desired.
Reading pinkies and sun pinkies.
A girl has to be prepared for all pinkie occasions.The next time you celebrate
PINK SATURDAY over at How Sweet the Sound and you come by my place to see what I'm sharing, remember:
I put on my pink glasses, grabbed my pinkie camera and took some sweet pinkie pictures just for you. When I was satisfied with my delightful pinkie snapshots, I sat down at my kitchen table (pink), slid pinkie laptop out of its pinkie tote, grabbed my pinkie
mousie and created a page on my blog dripping with darling, cute, swell, cuddly pinkie goodies to delight you right down to your pinkie piggy toes!
After you go over to see Beverly, stop by Tristan's place,
Enchanted Revelry. He's celebrating his 50th follower with the most lovely Tussie Mussie giveaway.