Peek-a-boo! Bet you'll never guess what I've got for you this week. I don't think any of the items are related but all of them are a little interesting☺ The little kitten that you see was a garage sale bargain from several years ago. I just love her playful attitude!

Of course, most, if not all of us, know the classic Breast Cancer ribbon and color, don't we? Well, here's a jar that sits on my kitchen counter filled with little marshmallows my grandsons grab when they are over visiting or when we decide we would like some hot cocoa during a sleep-over when we settle in for some popcorn and a movie.

This mirror is in my dining room. I noticed that it reflected quite a bit of pink, so decided to include it this week in my blog post. Believe it or not, I bought this antique mirror for $30.00 at a garage sale about seven years ago. What a steal! It's huge making it a real task to get it home in one piece. I think I held my breath over each and every bump and around all of the corners as my car slowly crept through the city!

When I finished up with cleaning the kitchen on Friday evening I was just about ready to put away the pan I had used for my eggs that morning and stopped in my tracks. I grabbed the camera, told the pan to smile and the rest is history. BTW, yes, I have a set☺

I've always featured five items and was running out of ideas when I spied my library book on the kitchen table all set to be returned tomorrow. The pink band is for the library use, not mine, since they have to be aware that the book is part of an inter-library loan and has to be returned to its library of origin. And, you get a double whammy because of all things, the book is sitting on the fresh tablecloth I put on today just before I started my laundry.
So, there you have it...my unrelated-items-Pink-Saturday. A little hodge podge of goodies that celebrate my favorite color. Be sure to get over to Beverly's place
HOW SWEET THE SOUND so you can visit all the other lovely blogs today. There are some abundantly creative women, and a couple of men, waiting to entertain you.