Pink Saturday is here again over at
HOW SWEET the SOUND. Goodness, it seems like it's rolling around faster and faster. It better slow down a bit or I'll surely run out of pink goodies to share with you...on second thought, that'll never happen, not ever! But you knew that, didn't you?
This week I began on the second floor of my home in the master bedroom. Well, what-do-you-know, I've got myself another pink telephone. Who in the world would have guessed that, hehehe! This is the last one, though...sigh. The rest are all run-of-the-mill telephones, the kind that are boring and useful and utilitarian.

In the master bath is a very vintage baby planter with the most precious pink rose painted on the toe of the shoe. Naturally, I've placed pink Q-tips inside. Is there any other color? I-don't-think-so!

On a little shelf in the same room rests my mantra. Over my lifetime there have been plenty of instances when I've had to remind myself that I had just better "deal with it" and had no time to sit on the curb and cry. Good advice, especially in our country's present circumstances.

Popping back downstairs, I thought I'd share with you my two, pink scarves that I wear during the winter to keep me all cozy and warm when I'm outside shoveling the tons of snow we get in my neck of the woods. Believe it or not, it is finally warming up outside, so I can put these away with my ear muffs and mittens. Well, maybe not...looks a little iffy out there☺

A few weeks ago I shared with you a magazine holder in my kitchen that I had given a little shabby cottage make-over. This week I decided to photograph another of my projects that began as a 50 cent garage sale item and ended up adorned with roses and a bit of chippy, pink paint. It always amazes me what a little paint will do for something that was destined for the garbage truck. Re-cycle, re-use, re-purpose! This holds coasters on the little table by my reading chair.

Thanks so much for dropping by my blog so I could spend a little time with you. Don't forget to drop by
HOW SWEET the SOUND to get all the links to the dozens and dozens of other great places to see mucho pink-a-licious offerings...just for you!