It all began with a dirty, messy, dark, dank hole...but then a little blessing was tucked into its new home. A place for its feet to stretch out little toes and a place for the miracle of new life to take place. My youngest son, Jeff, stopped by after work today to dig a hole for his mom. My back has been killing me ever since I did all the early spring yard cleaning, raking, hauling, shoving and disposing. It was nice to have someone with good strength to dig for me.
I didn't know if I wanted to start or end this Pink Saturday entry with my adorable, precious
What do you give to your mother on Mother's Day who is in love with pink and who has adored pussy willows since she was a little girl? Why, a French Pink Pussy Willow, of course!

A gift from my oldest son, Dave, and his precious family, this little gal arrived from the nursery all set to get snuggled into her new home. I have a confession, for the longest time I couldn't stop stroking the little catkins. They remind me of a tiny kitten's paw...all soft and sweet. One day this new life will be a prominent bush in my yard but right now it is a baby and believe me it will be treated just like a baby, too.
The little puffs are called catkins. Now, how purr-fect is that for someone who has four kitties living in her house? I think next I may have to plant a dogwood just to make my pooches happy and so they won't feel left out or neglected.
(Sidenote: Someone asked me what a pink pussy willow looks like. The photos are of my pussy willow and not from the web. Isn't she just the cutest? There aren't many catkins because I have a little baby plant. Just wait until next year, woo-hoo!)
Next in line for show and tell this week are some adorable gift tags that I happened to find, of all places, at my local Dollar Store. Aren't they just sweet and perfect for gifts for those of the feminine persuasion? I bought oodles...they're just too sweet not to have dozens and at a dollar...hey, that's a bargain, for sure.

Gosh, I can't believe that I am beginning to collect vintage baby planters. Maybe it's the color...all pink and soft or all blue and sweet that attracts me. I've been finding them at my Goodwill Store for a dollar a piece, not much to pay for a little memory of the past. I've got a few more but will share them next week. They need ribbons and I need to shop☺
Here she is, my Rosemary JOY! And, no, I didn't make a mistake and capitalize her middle name. It belongs in capital letters because she is so full of happiness and fills my days, and nights, will sheer joy. This little one hasn't missed one day in her eight years to cuddle up with me, purring gently, telling her mom that she's loved by a kitty so purr-ecious.

Pulling up the rear is a close-up of one of my Christmas ornaments. I took this photo months ago and was going to share it at the time but forgot about it. Shame on me! Thought of my pink lady bug this evening and decided that she needed to come to see you since I might forget about her again and never bring her out to share.

If you ♥ pink like I do and you would like to visit some of the prettiest and most adorable blogs in cyberspace, travel on over to Beverly's
HOW SWEET THE SOUND. There are over 100 bloggers who have brought our their pink finery just for you!