Sure doesn't take long and I'm facing
PINK SATURDAY again over at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound. Holy moley, my summer is just beginning. This time that is passing had better slow down because in my neck of the woods fall begins at the end of August!
I'm beginning this blog entry by sharing with you one of my most purr-ecious possessions, my kitty, Camille Suzanne and her adorable, little pink toes. She works very hard keeping them all clean and sparkley, and especially hard this week when I told her that I was going to shoot them out into cyberspace! I posted this photo on
my cat blog and a comment was made that they looked like little, pink jelly beans, aawwww, how cute...sigh.

Next are my vintage sugar and creamers, each given to me as a gift by friends...friends who know my passion for pink☺

The rose is part of a night light. I don't know where the electrical part is anymore but I won't give up the rose! I've tried to find another light but most of what you find now is cheaply made and this piece is quite heavy for its size. So, there it sits...on the counter in front of a few of my cookbooks.

A few weeks back I showed the pink bunny rabbit that I found in my storage room. I had mentioned that I wanted to put some ivy in it and some of you told me that you wanted to see it planted. Well, here you are! Isn't it sweet? I have no idea why I put this in a downstairs cupboard for the past 4-5 years. Beats me and shame on me!

Pulling up the rear I is the lace and pink roses border that I added to the shelf edge in my built-in China cabinet just off the kitchen. When I sit at the kitchen table I can look over and see the pink buds...that makes me happy, yes, it does. Heck, anything pink makes me happy☺

BTW, I feel a little like rock 'n roll this weekend. How about you? Enjoy!