More than once I've brought something home with me that was missing a part, or wasn't complete, having faith that "good things come to those who wait. I'd have absolute faith that, given enough time, I'd find that part or the missing something-something that I needed to find so I could use my treasured, new-found goodie somewhere in my home.

I love to shop at
Goodwill, just love it. I might have only five dollars in my pocket but I can always find a hidden treasure to take home to give new life and to enjoy. That is what happened a few months ago when I spotted this adorable lamp. Only the lamp, no shade, but I was smitten as a kitten with a dish of cream! Little baby-powder-hued balls of cotton yarn filling the base of a ginger jar lamp. Pastels remind me all year long of babies and flowers and cupcakes and kittens and puppies and soft feather-filled pillows. Pastels make me feel happy just looking at them, no matter what form they take or what shade or hue they happen to be.
I also love to have things in my home that are useful and sweet and cute all at the same time. I think that is why my eye caught the lamp on the top shelf in the home section at my local Goodwill store. I wanted that little lamp so bad that I waited for someone to come by so I could ask them to get it down for me. (I'm not too short but I've never been considered to be tall, either.) Once it was in my hands I checked it over for cracks and flaws...none! None! And...only $2.98. That settled the deal for me, yes, it did! I placed it into my cart as gently as I would a baby...feeling mighty fine, yes, I did!
I brought my treasure home and set it where I could see it anytime I wanted to think about what kind of a shade I wanted to find to top off my piece of the cute-lamp-pie. For a few months I looked, and looked, and looked. Not one shade that I found inspired me to plunk down some of my financial wealth (yeah, right) to bring it home. The shades were either the wrong color or the wrong shape or the wrong size. That is, not until yesterday when I was in Big Lots! I wandered over to the furniture department and there it was. I rubbed my eyes and took another look.

Nope, I wasn't delusional. It was real and it was gonna be mine, yes, it was coming home with me, no doubt about it. A little, baby blue, 100% cotton shade with adorable, teeny roses along the bottom edge. I knew this was "the" shade I had been looking for and it was a steal! Could life get any better? I don't think so!
I put the shade in my cart and smiled. I finally had the shade that was perfect for my sweet, little yarn lamp. I need to share with you that these past few months I didn't have any particular shade style or color in mind but I'd know when I found it. I know that you, dear reader, know what I mean because all of us have "that feeling" every now and then when we won't settle and play the waiting game until the right goodie comes along.
So, as of yesterday, I have a complete, little lamp. I am happy, happy, happy, except for the fact that now don't know where I'm going to put it. I've been looking here and looking there and wandering around with the little lamp. I set it down and step back. And walk around. And look at it from this angle and that angle but so far, I keep picking it up again and walking into another room looking around for inspiration. This might go on for another couple of months or I might be sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of tea and a light will go off in my head showing me the way and leading me to plunk this cutie pie in the perfect place. A place that I might have walked by 1000s of times and not paid much attention but now...IT IS THE PLACE, a place of importance, one that has the right elements to give my little bargain lamp the exact amount of esteem it so rightly deserves.

But for now, the little lamp is sitting on my dining room table topped with the adorable, blue rose cotton shade looking perfect, just perfect. It may have to stay there for a while but it may not. Something might pop into my head any minute, or maybe not, but I don't care, I found what I wanted...the perfect shade for the lamp and for me.
I am pleased and content...and on the hunt...there is something out there in the world that I need to find because it and I are meant to be! Our paths will cross. I'll pick it up and I'll take it home, and the waiting and imagining and planning will begin once more!
A little p.s., I fell in love with this little lamp shade so much that I went back to the store about bought three more. Not because I need three more, but because I wanted to share them with people who have the same romantic and whimsical side to their personalities as I do. If you'd like one, let me know.