“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake.”
- Francis Bacon

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Just one thing, but what a purr-fect thing for PINK SATURDAY!

If you've been coming to visit with me on Pink Saturdays for very long you know that pink is a part of my DNA! I'm only featuring on thing today but what a cutie pie!
Today when out shopping, out of the corner of my eye (they rotate for the color pink) I spotted this kitty cookie canister. My gosh, it was pinkie l♥ve at first sight. My ♥ skipped a beat and I nearly swooned right there in the pet isle. My hands grew clammy, my brow perspired and my bottom lip quivered. I grabbed this little stinker and cradled it in my hands ever so gently; not wanting a scratch or dent to mar its lovely surface from store cart to my kitchen at home.It sits on my counter now, next to the pink cookie jar I have for my dogs (previous pink Saturday feature) filled to the brim with Temptations of every variety to tantalize my feline babies. Because I am so smitten, there was no way I was going to make my newest pink aquisition share the spot-light. This deserves a Pink Saturday all to itself!

Be sure to check out all of the other wonderful blogs Beverly has featured for PINK SATURDAY at HOW SWEET THE SOUND. It's a pink fix that you'll never forget and one where you will come back for more...and more.


Eclectic Chic Style said...

Your cannister is adorable!!!! I need one of those. ;)
Okay, I am LOL! You've redecorated your header again. This one too is beautiful, love it!!! You and I are a pair aren't we? I'm probably going to be redoing my page sometime today too!! ;)
Happy Pink Saturday!
♥ Teresa

Anonymous said...

This sure do. Does you cat reflect the words written on her new cookie jar? :-) Good thing the dogs and cats get along.


(no pink post for me today MImi. Just visiting :-) )

Elena said...

Hi Mimi. Your canister is a lovely pinky. A very cute find.

Happy pink saturday - have a great week.

ciao for now,
Elena :)

susan said...

When it's perfect, one is enough!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Mimi,
What a cute cookie canister! Who could resist it? Happy Pink Saturday!


Anonymous said...

How pretty Mimi! They look 50ish vintage. Love them.


Sarah Bella's said...

Happy Pink Saturday. God bless you, Sarah

Sit-N-Chat said...

Perfect for you and your babies. I've been away but am enjoying seeing pinks again today. God bless you with more of Himself this pretty weekend.


Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Lovely canister.

~ Gabriela ~

Betty said...

That canister is cute Mimi!
I'm so sorry to hear that you're still having bad weather. I would gladly send you some of our California sunshine. I think we are getting a break this weekend. It's only supposed to be in the high 90's!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Mimi!
I love this post. Happy Pink Saturday. This is a beautiful little canister. I wonder if they have one for puppy dogs. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you visit. Country Hugs, Sherry

bj said...

ahhh, how adorable this is. Isn't it fantastic that GOD made the color PINK to help you thru these rainy days!!
Now, me on the other hand, LIVE for rainy days. I love every one of them...did as a kid in Dallas where it rained almost every afternoon.
Hope it clears up there, tho, so you can enjoy the rest of the summer.

Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

That is the best kitty treat jar ever!!!
Hope you have a perfect Pink Saturday & great week!
xo Tami

Mary said...

It's just adorable - I would love to have one!

Anonymous said...

To cute!!! Your blog is always such a happy place! Pink Hugs - Patti

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Love that precious treats jar!! My Muffin is too manly or I'd try to find a PINK jar for him!!!

Happy PS!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Happy Pink Saturday! Sorry about the cloudy yucky weather. Here in Arizona the sun won't go away. Loving the Pink treat container, too cute! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Claudia said...

What an adorable pink canister! Of course you had to buy it! Happy Pink Saturday, Mimi!

CC said...

Loved the sweet kitty canister.. and the pink is just perfect. Happy Pink Saturday..have a most lovely weekend.
That Heavenly Rocky Road dessert looks so scrumptious. Your blog is just beautiful..I've become a follower so I can keep up with the great things you do next.

My name is Riet said...

That is a lovely pink cannister. Happy pink Saturday

Jenny Froh said...

Very, VERY cute!!!!
Have a lovely "pink" day :)

SmilingSally said...

How sweet. Happy Pink Saturday!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Such a delightful find for P.S., Just Precious!! I will swap you some rain for some rays of sun from California, okay?? Thanks, Mimi.

Anonymous said...

Love it... Love it..... Love it!!
Just the right shade of pink!
Great Post....

Anonymous said...

What a fun and cute cannister! Happy Pink Saturday!!

Dawn said...

Thanks for stopping by. I was here earlier but got called away and didn't get my comment in!

The cat treat jar is soooo cute. I'm going to check out some more of your blog, especially those beartiful grandchildren and big pups. Love your header and background.

Char said...

I had to smile at your post, because that canister is just perrrrfect. My cat is a guy so I don't know if he would mind a little pink in his life. I think he probably couldn't care less, just give me the treats, Happy PInk Saturday to you, Char

Suzie Button said...

I love your kitty treat container! I don't have a kitty, but two dogs, but my daughter does and would love that! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

caren said...

Adorable...simply adorable. Happy PS!

Cindy said...

Now THAT is precious! I would have snapped it up for my sweeties, too. :) Thanks for stopping by my Pink Post. I love that you have such a heart for your kitties and doggies, too!

Terri Morse said...

Hi Mimi! That was definitely one you couldn't turn down. It's so cute! A nice container makes the treats taste better. Thanks so much for visiting me. I hope the sun shines soon for you again! HPS!

Martha said...

What a purrrfect pink find! Sorry to hear you aren't getting any summer - ours has been so hot that I'd love to send you some of it if I could! Thank you for stopping by and for your nice comment. Happy Pink Saturday! :-)

tracy said...

One lovely pink thing is all you need, to bring joy to most of us pinkies. I love the canister, we have 3 sweet tabbies, who would love to get there treats from a container like that...ok, maybe not them but I would!
Oh, yes being a grandma is the very best,,,who knew you could love them so.
Thank you for your visit

black eyed susans kitchen said...

It is the perfect thing for pink Saturday! Hang in there...I am sure that summer will come and visit you soon.
♥, Susan

Michelle said...

Mimi-Your kitty surely is spoiled...what a find...enjoy. Happy PS to you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Unknown said...

That really is a cute treat jar for your babies!

Nancy said...

Happy Pink Saturday! :) Nancy

Charlene said...

Love the Kittie Treat Can. My puppy has her treat jar & can hear that sucker open from Mars I think. She comes a running!!!!!! Enjoy the new PINK! Thank you for stopping by to see me for PS & your sweet comments about the loss of my Uncle... My sweet Daddy has gone to be with God & his precious parents 5 years ago so now I know he & Uncle Glen are having a glourious reunion with their much loved Mother & respected Father. It is only those of us left behind that miss them so that have tears in out hearts. But, we know the suffering is over & that they watch over us everyday & Wait for us . HUGS to you sweet friend. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you get some sunshine. We got some of your much needed rain today but, will PAY for it with heat & humdity tomorrow.

Jennifer said...

Mimi,I Love the Kittie Treat Can.I bet Camille loves it.Happy Pink Saturday!I love your blog with pups.Hugs,Jen

Nerissa Alford said...

What a sweet canister :) Happy Pink Saturday

Creations from my heart said...

Hi Mimi...
Just got back from a week at a cottage near Traverse City. The weather was fairly nice. Not real hot like I like it, but the sun was out.I can't wait to see the can you make. Let me know when they are done. Blessings....Sherry

Bunny said...

Adorable pink canister. Too too cute. Hope you had a gread Pink Saturday. Thanks for your visit.

Terri said...

Very cute pink canister. I hope you had a good pink Saturday. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog again too and leaving such a lovely comment about my scarf. By the way it doesn't seem like we have had much of a summer here either.

ItaJeff said...

Happy Pink Saturday & enjoy your weekend

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Happy PS! I just lovvvve your pink kitty canister. What a great find.

Hugs :)


Tara said...

You've got an eagle eye!What a find, my friend! Sorry to hear you've had such a lousy summer, I hope things clear up and sunny skies are on the way. happy Pink Sweetness to you and have a loveleigh Sunday!

pinkkandy said...

sooooooo cute
Happy Pink Saturday
God Bless

Vicki said...

Hi, Mimi,
That is one cute pink kitty cookie canister. I am sure treats will taste just that much better when stored in this canister. Thanks for visiting my "Pink Saturday". Hope your weekend is a good one. Vicki

Gossamer Creations said...

I feel the same way when I see something pink. Your canister is so cute. I am looking for a new one for my puppy.....I hope I can find a pink one. Happy Pink Saturday.

Regina said...

Nice pink. Very cute!
Have a great week ahead.

Joyce said...

Oh Mimi! How SWEET for this Pink Saturday!! I am so glad you stopped by and took the time to say Hi! love visiting you here.....your blog is just so, so "purty".... Happy Pink Saturday~

Shirley said...

I agree..this deserves the spotlight. I love it.

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Oh that is too sweet. It is Purrrrrrr fect! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Happy PS, Mimi! Now that is one darling Kitty canister! Great find!

Thanks for sharing & have a great week!


Melly said...

Mimi, you're kitties pink canister is just adorable, isn't it just a wonderful pink high you get when you find something this gorgeous :)
Have a super weekend!

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Mimi! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this post!! When you spot something like this, you just feel it in every bone in your body! This is destiny, and it MUST come home with you! I know this feeling!.. I just recently experienced this with a brand new tote bag! It called to me, and when I saw it, I KNEW this was meant to be! (0; Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful week ahead! ~tina

KayEllen said...

How adorable Mimi!!!

Glad my flowers pics brought you a little sunshine on a cloudy day:)))


meandering pearl said...

how lovely to get a glimpse into life in Michigan!!! i love cats!!! & this is a gorgeous accessory!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Your kitty canister is tooo sweet Kim.

About your previous PS post, I just bought my granddaughter that cookbook, Pink Princess Cookbook for her birthday next month. I also plan on getting some matching aprons so that we can have a bakefest for a tea party.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I mean Mimi, not Kim...got confused as to who's blog I'm on. ;o)

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

This is just the cutest thing I've seen in a very long time..I'm sure it looks great on your counter..I hope the sun is shing for you today..it's suppose to get hot and muggy here this week..that will be a first in over a month. Our weather has certainly been different this year... hugs ~lynne~

Lori said...

Too cute, where did you buy it?? Lori
OMG, guess what my word verification is??pinki

Shopgirl said...

It's a keeper, so cute...I can see why it caught your PINK eye.
Hugs, Mary