“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake.”
- Francis Bacon

Saturday, February 14, 2009

♥Follow me into my pretty, pink potty on this Valentine's Pink Saturday♥

Not only do we have PINK SATURDAY, hosted by the gracious Beverly at HOW SWEET THE SOUND, it is Valentine's Day. Now, I suppose I could have filled this blog entry with oodles of Valentine goodies, and you know, I had thought about that, I really did. But, now don't take this personally...anyone...today I bring to you a few of the items I see each morning while I am brushing my teeth in the powder room on the first floor of my home. (I don't go back upstairs to do my morning ritual because the dogs are outside by now, the cats are meowing for their breakfast and, well, I'm a little lazy!) So, folks, here ya go...my bathroom decor. At least a little part of it. I'm sure you'll see more when we celebrate additional PINK SATURDAYS with Beverly.

I remember seeing this little bank a few years ago as I was browsing the aisle at Goodwill Industries. Every now and then our local store will offer some new items that are too cute for words. I just couldn't resist making this pink potty mine. There are times when I find something that's pink and I leave it on the shelf, but not this time! Not only cute and sweet, it holds a message that all of us can relate to...and, I actually use it as you can see. (Note to self: Save more money for a rainy day!) Now more than ever, I'm going to need this little gem to squirrel away my loose change. A penny saved is a penny earned.

One of the joys of my life is to make people happy and to bring a smile to their face, especially when they least expect it. I also like to add a little whimsy here and there throughout my home. It's no fun to be serious all the time. There was a time, when I was raising my sons, that I needed to be a grown-up. Now that Dave and Jeff are men with families of their own, I can forget that "act" of mine and let the real me shine through. When I saw this little shelf-sitter, it was another of those instances when I couldn't open my wallet fast enough to pay for it. I love this little goodie, just love it. It sits on the back of the toilet and is the first thing you see, other than the commode, that greets you as you walk into the powder room on the first floor. Peek-a-boo, I see you!

OK, ok, I admit it, I'm including a Valentine decoration that I bought this year. But, because pink is MY color, this darling heart wreath will remain out all year long. Easter and Valentine's Day, two holidays after my sweet, little decorating heart! I actually have three of these hearts. I read somewhere that you should always decorate in odd numbers. I wanted more than one, so it was mandatory that I have three.

Just as I was about to end my afternoon as a photo-journalist, Freyja walked up with the adorable, pink doggy that Santa put in her stocking this past Christmas. (Please notice how clean it is and how it has no holes.) Isn't Miss Freyja a good mommy to her stuffie-babies? I am so proud of my little lady. I just love the smile on this toy of hers. How in the world can you look at it and not break into a grin, yourself? I almost nabbed this toy to add to the collection on my bed, but what kind of a dog-mom would I be if I stole from my own pooch! Horrors!

♥Happy Valentine's Day, everyone♥

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Four Paws and Co said...

Happy Valentine's Day & a Happy Pink Saturday too! ♥ Diane

Kris said...

What a cheesy grin. How can you not smile while looking at the stuffed toy. Too cute.

Happy PS


Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Oh, Your post was so darn cute, and the pink toilet was pretty funny how it was all dolled up, epecially with the fluffy tissue holder on top. Have a Nice Day!

Sit-N-Chat said...

I'm with you. we've had to be the adults for way too long. Time to just have fun. I love your pink posts!


Lori Lynn said...

Love the potty bank! I can't believe your pup doesn't de-stuff her babies! Mine don't last a minute before there are 'guts' everywhere! LOL Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day too!!

Unknown said...

Hi Mimi,
You have some cute pink here...very different bank. LOL

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mimi. I wish you a WONDERFUL PINK SATURDAY.

Nola said...

That pink potty is the cutest thing ever! Glad to see you are putting it to good use; I save change all year long, in an old milk can. Once a year, before vacation, we dump it out, and it's our "extra" money for fun!!!

Betty said...

I love your pink bathroom decor. The Peek A Boo sign made me laugh outloud. The "You Go Girl" toilet would make me smile every morning. I love your sense of humor. Lots of great Pink Saturday stuff. Yes, that's the dog's toy.

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Day Mimi!


gina said...

Cute post. Happy Valentines Day!

JudyBug said...

I love the pink heart. Of course, you needed three!

Anonymous said...

The pink potty is just too cute..., never seen that before. Very funny. Happy V!

Dawn said...

Well, you can be sure no one will "dip" into the till by going way of the "plumbing". Happy PS

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Day, Mimi.

I had fun in your powder room. ;-)
I adore your peekaboo sign.

Char said...

Love the pink potty, Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentines Day too, Char

Koleen said...

I love the pink toilet! Happy Valentine's Day!

Deanna said...

Hi Mimi...that pink toilet is just too sweet! I'm glad to hear that you didn't put your little lady's toy on your bed...LOL!

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day!
Deanna :D

Vintage To Chic said...

great post, love the potty. hope you have a wonderful week.

bj said...

Thanks so much for coming by to see me. Hope you will come often...
I know about staying with grands...I stayed with 4 of mine from Wed to Sat. night at midnight..their parents out of town. BOY, did we have such a good time. 2 little girls and 2 big boys. My heart just swells so big when I am around them or when I think of all 10 of them, that, I'll swear it seeems like it will just burst wide open...I KNOW you know what I'm talking about! :O)
xo bj
oh, and I am going to follow your blog so I won't lose you...

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! I'm late getting around to lots of Pink Gals, too! I so enjoyed my visit in your darling bath! Loved the bank (you are so right about how we need to watch our pennies right now) and all of the other sweet touches. I am very impressed that your sweet pup hasn't destroyed the pink stuffie! My gr. dog rips those things apart--I will show her your post so she can see what good doggies do! :) Hope you had fun with your "boys" last night! We had our little gr. girl last weekend. She's almost three and she wears me out!


Anonymous said...

Happy belated Pink Saturday and Valentine's day. I loved your post! Aren't morning routines funny??

My Artful Heart said...

Thanks for stoppin' by my place for PS :) I love your little pearly berry heart...and of course the little potty bank (what a find).

Have a great pink week and Happy "belated" Valentine's Day.

a Pocket Angel said...

Hi Mimi, Love the PeekABoo sign.. Yes Miss Freyja sure is such a good Mommy to her pink baby.
Sounds like you had a lovely Valentines day you had with your Grandsons. I spent the Fri (for Valentines day) with my Grandchildren at the movies & to lunch. I LOVED it!
Hugs ~Mary~

Fifi Flowers said...

Thanks for stopping by... sounds like you had a GREAT Valentines Day!

Unknown said...

What a darling PINK Sat Post! Love that lil potty! And I am like you..I keep many of my V-Day goodies out cause I like Hearts!


Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

Hi Mimi,
Now that was a fun Pink post....my favorite is by far the little pink toilet bank....so darn cute....
I hope you had a wonderful Valentines day with your grandson......
Mo :-)

Anonymous said...

I love that pink wreath. So pretty!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Better late than never, besides handsome grandsons trump Pink Saturday anytime! Happy Pink Valentine Sunday! LOL!

Erin :)


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Mimi,
Your pinks are so cute! Love the wreath! Happy Pink Valentine's weekend!


Stephanie said...

SO many cute PINK things...gotta love the potty!!!

Happy (belated) Pink Saturday!


Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

I'm still laughing! Now that's a cute pink toilet! Love your pink bath too. Hope you had a grand Valentine's day with your favorite little men and a fabulous Pink Saturday too.

Anonymous said...

the pink doggie is so adorable!

Short and Sweet said...

LOVE all your "pinks" today especially the "Peekaboo" sign and the heart. Thanks for sharing.

LvPoohBr2 said...

Such wonderful pinkness! I love the heart especially. My mom gave me a similar one for Valentine's Day. Maybe that will be my next weeks Pink Saturday entry!

Loretta said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I love your pink things, even the potty!

alicesg said...

Oooo those are so sweet and pretty pink stuff there. Happy Pink Saturday. :)

Kathy said...

Cute post, Mimi. Love the wreath...Kathy

Chloe Patricia said...

Hello Mimi, thank you for sharing your pink today; you have a lot, but then as you said you are supposed to be the person who invented the colour pink :) Happy belated Pink Saturday and St Valentine's Day. Chloe Patricia

Kimberly said...

You ARE lucky to have had a Valentine's Day so full of men you love :) That little pink stuffed dog is so cute! My dachshund Oscar has a yellow one that is in perfect condition, too, because Oscar does not understand the idea of playing with toys at all...he'd rather we give him so food :)

Gone said...

Your pinkness is so cute!!!


Linda said...

Your pinks are too cute for words, I especially like the pink potty although the doggy toy is running a close second!! Thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog and I am happy I found my way to yours. You write so well and are so interesting!

Nerissa Alford said...

I'm in love with the pink potty. Adorable!
I also spent Valentines with my 3 dudes :) I'm really late for PS. Thanks for visiting.