I live in a 100 year old Edwardian home. As a result, I have radiators and hot water heat, YUM! Once you've had that type of heat you will never, ever want anything else to heat your home. The plus for me is that all of my radiators are original and are extremely ornate...a work of art in themselves. But I'll save that for another blog entry. Today I am showing you how I tie baskets to my radiators, fill them with blankies and invite my kitties for a little spa treatment. I swear, those kitty-cattys of mine love to bubble and steam in their little, heated beds every chance they get. The filled basket you see here is in my dining room and is used by all of the girls. I guess Forrest (black kitty) thinks that I fixed this one up way too feminine and girly for a guy of his regal charm!
My next goodie is a little early to show to you but I think it is just too sweet and precious to keep

Lastly, and pulling up the rear is Rosemary's cuddle donut bed. It sits on the dining room chair closest to the kitchen so she can catch a snooze and still be near her mommy. I'll see her lift her head every now and then, barely open an eye to check if I'm still where she saw me last and then drift off to kitty dreams once more. Other than my dogs, Rosemary needs to know where I am every minute of the day. She follows me like a puppy and when I sit down she feels that she MUST be in my lap. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't...especially when I am eating or knitting or taking a bath, or working on the laptop, or putting on my shoes. The rest of the time, if you see me, you see Rosemary. She was found in a ditch at about the age of 2.5 weeks and brought into our shelter. As a volunteer at the shelter I was there a lot and spied a little calico kitten with a huge meow that wanted a LOT of attention. From that day on, whenever I

Don't forget to take a jog over to Beverly's at HOW SWEET THE SOUND, our hostess. She has many, many more people who have signed up for this fun day. Go for it. Even if you like blue, pink is just as good and maybe even better!
Hi Mimi,
You have such beautiful pinkness this week. Have a great week and Happy PS!
LOvely story. Happy pink Saturday
Thanks for visiting me. I loved your post today. Warm and inviting, pink and sweet, just what I needed on a chilly VT morning.
Thanks for visiting me and if I owned that gorgeous daybed on my post I would have to del. it to you 7 kids wow wee I have 4 girls. we might have to change the color to blue for you though with all those boys. Well your kitty's sure our lucky to have a spa. I love the radiators. Have a great Pink Saturday.Gina
Oh your kitties have to be the luckiest kitties in the world!
A heated bed, wow! So happy to hear that little shelter kitty went home with you. They choose us, don't you think?
Thanks, for visiting my blog.
You've created a wonderful, beautiful home for your kitties. I know they must love you for it. I can't show this post to my kitties, or they'll be jealous; they don't have radiators, but they have MY electric blanket, and a corner room with 4 sunny windowsills. Have a great weekend...
Love the pink toile kitty bed! Happy Pink Day!
Hello Mimi! What wonderful pinkness! And what a sweet story of Rosemary! Hope you're having a fabulous Pink Saturday!
Hi...I am so glad you stopped by my blog today. Thank you. Your blog is precious. I love all the stories of your pets/family. And all your pink is lovely. I will be back!
What a sweet dream bed...
Happy Pink Day! Your kitty spa beds are just toooo cute!
Happy Pink Day! Your kitty spa beds are just toooo cute!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Have a wonderful pink Saturday! Aren't your kitties lucky!!
My Grandma's house had those beautiful old radiators. I remember them well. I adore your kitties!! I Love, Love, Love all Kitties!!
Love, Mairlyn
The pink toile is beautiful! I am terribly envious about your house. We nearly bought a 159-year-old house this year, but it didn't work out. It's still the house of my dreams, though. Love your radiators!
Like your cats, my dog always loved the warmth. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Mimi,
I loved the story of your sweet fur baby. What a sweetheart! I love it that you gave her a little bed full of warmth to lounge in. I love kitties and miss my kitty that I had to leave behind when I moved. He was 17 years old and wouldn't have made the trip out here by car to Georgia. He hated car rides for ANY distance - let alone one so far. We found him a home where he can be a spoiled senior citizen fully loved, yet I miss him terribly!
I always enjoy hearing about cats who are dearly loved like my Patches was/is
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mimi!
You have a wondfully fun and sweet Pink post today!
My little Bootsie Barker has the same exact bed as Rosemary.
Have a great Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D
Beautiful Mimi!!!
I grew up in a old home..glass door knobs etc. Such great memories...
thanks for the pink post really delightful!
What a sweet post.. I love that you have old radiators. I had to have one a few years back just to decorate with.. I have it sitting in my sunporch.. doesn't do a thing but give me pleasure..lol.. I love your kitty story..thanks for the visit today.. come on over anytime and we'll have some tea together and share a visit..
Happy Pink Saturday.. hugs ~lynne~
I love old radiators like yours and how sweet that you make a cozy hideaway for your kitties.
We had a cat that lived on my husbands shoulders...when he shaved, read...he was always curled around his neck. The sweetest thing. He ended up getting out of the house and killed by a car. We took 2 days off from work, we couldn't stop crying! Your story reminded me of my Spunky and I'm happy to hear there is another kitty that loves to do that!
Happy pink Saturday...
How adorable. I love your post. I am also in love with your header. Thank you for coming to visit me on my first PS!
Thank you for sharing. I would love to back up to that heater.
I will have to send you pic of my sweet Millie, kitty.
I love old homes! I bet yours is so cozy!
Have a wonderful PS!
I just love your post! All that pink, kitty's, and bunnies!! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great evening!!
Happy Pink Saturday.
I just love the old radiators. Although we don't have them where we live now, I have loved having them in the past. It is awesome heat.
Thanks for visiting me. What cute pink ideas you have for your kittens....I'm sure they love it.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Awwwwwwww...such sweet PINKness!!
Thanks for your visit today!
If you'd like, please come back and and sign up for our Give-Aways...TeaCups and Blog Make-over. Here are the LINKS:
Love the kitty story!! I miss mine, 18 and 23 when they passed, and I have not had the heart to let new kitties into my life yet. One day!! Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Mimi
The baskets and kittens spa treatment I love it. The house before the one I'm in now had radiators I used mine to dry out the kids mittens the kids had warm hands... the kittens well...that's the good life.
Hi Mimi and it's so nice to meet you! I love all of your beautiful pinkness today and would love to see your house. Chloe Dawn appreicates your bisit.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Lovely place for your kitties and it is beautiful decorated with pink. Thanks for your nice comments in my blog. Happy Pink Saturday.
What a sweet story about Rosemary! She sure has a beautiful bed! Thanks for stopping by!
Loved your pink post. Your house sounds wonderful. I just copied your recipe for the meringue cookies to my recipe file. They look so yummy and sound easy to make. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful pink items, the frame effect make them look so...sweet :-)
I so enjoyed your Blog, Love the pink telephone, What a beautiful Cat
marian elizabeth
Lucky little kitties. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
What a wonderful story of your kitties...Cute pink cozy bed Rosemary is blessed to have you...Happy pink
Happy Pink Saturday. Love the kitty spa.
Thanks for dropping by, please come back again to visit and enter my "50th Post Giveaway.
Hugs :)
Sweet kitty adoption story and I love her little bed! The Easter garland is going to have everyone running to Big Lots to find their own. I like the way it looks in your photograph and it made me think about how fun it might be swirled in an Easter basket cradling a pretty egg.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
I love all your pink goodies...that pet bet is fabulous...did you make that?
Happy Pink Saturday!
P.S. Thanks for stopping by!
What a sweet mama you are. Your kitties are very lucky. Happy Pink Day!
Oh, girl, all your pinks are just precious.
xo bj
Your pinks are wonderful..and I loved the sweet kitty story. Happy belated Pink Saturday and have a hreat week..
Ahhh, I loved this one! Give your fur babies a hug from me! ♥ Diane
Awwww you pets are so lucky to have you, and you them. You make me smile.
i love the idea of the kitty spas! how sweet!! also love the story of rosemary. thanks for sharing-happy pink week!!
The bunny garland should be lots of fun! Your blog is so pretty. Loving the chocolate recipes, above, too!
Great story and how wonderful to have that type of bond. I had one like that with a cat one time, she insisted on having her kitten right on me (she was a tiny little cat and only had one kitten).
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hello again Mimi
I have steam radiators in my home also :-) My catloves to sit in his basket next to my dining room radiator and watch me in the kitchen. He also loves sitting on the bathroom floor right over the radiator pipe. Cats certainly find the best spots!
Happy pink weekend!
Mimi, What a beautiful things I love the toile...
Blessings ~Mary~
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