My mind is still reeling trying to make sense of a world where a mother with so many who need her could be taken away from her family. If you take the time to view her blog you will find a creative young woman who obviously loved her children deeply. A young person who had oh, so much to do yet here on earth. Now there is a little baby without his mother. Young children without a mommy. A young husband left alone to raise his family. A home filled with memories of happier times.
Events like this rock my world. They don't have rhyme nor reason. Stacey, wherever you are, please know that hundreds, possibly thousands, of people are remembering you.
To those of you reading this entry of mine, get up, grab someone you love and whisper into their ear how much they mean to you and how lonely you would be if they were gone.

This truly is sad. I've read about her from several friends and sadly had never found her blog before. It is always a mystery as to when our time will come. Thank you for sharing this!
Hugs, Lisa
I read about this on Frippery the other day. So sad. :-(
I never blogged with this lady but anyone who is taken so young is a tragedy!! My heartfelt prayers to this young family.....
Mimi, it seems ages since I have been around to leave comment on your posts. You must have thought that I fell off the face of the earth. :-) It was so nice to see that you had dropped by my blog today, so I had to come on over right away to see what is new with you. What sad news about one of our fellow bloggers and it does make one wonder why and when some go at such an early age. Even sadder when it is a mother with little ones who still need her so much. That little baby will never know its mother and that makes me very sad! We recently lost a friend of ours to cancer, such a good man, a trully sincere-hearted person always willing to help others, not a bad bone in his body. I too am still wondering why he should have to go now. What plan does God have for him! A very touching post, Mimi, and very thoughtful of you to write about it so that we who did not know about this young mother before can stop and give a thought to such a loss, and send up a prayer for her husband and little ones!! Take care, Debby
p.s. LOVE your blog's new look! Wow, it has been a while since I have been here.
So sad.
My son's wife died suddenly at age 34.
We KNOW how precious life is.
What a thoughtful post, Mimi and such a tragic thing to have happen to this young mother and her family. I went and saw the picture of her new baby who looks like an angel and read of her love for him. It will mean a lot to him when he is older to have those thoughts his mother wrote. Prayers to that family in their time of great sorrow,
Browsing blogs when I came across yours and just had to comment...how terribly sad. One never knows what tomorrow may bring. Deepest sympathy to all her knew and loved her.
Love your blog.
Oh Mimi I have been so sad since I heard this mews about Stacey. All day in Church I prayed for her family...Why is not ours to ask. We need to ask, "What now, how do I go on?"
I fear I could not go on...the grief would silence my heart.
Love karla
Mimi, (I'm also Mimi to my grandgirls) thank you for sharing this very sad news. We all need a jolt now and then, unfortunately at another family's expense, to realize that we don't own tomorrow, not even the next minute, so don't let any loving word or deed go ungiven - we may never have another chance.
how devastating.
very sad. i wanted to thank you for your visit saturday, i'm very behind on answering folks from pink saturday. so when i popped on your blog and read the post about stacey i felt your sadness. i paid her blog a visit and left a prayer as i will also pray for your sadness.
I can't let another day slip by without telling you just how much you helped with Little Buddy's transition to our home. You were right on with everything you said and I just appreciated it so much. The death of this young mother is so terribly sad. It is a real reminder about the important things in life. Love and compassion--the rest is just window dressing. I am sending you a big hug today to tell you that you have made an important difference in my life and that of Little Buddy's comfort and safety.
How terribly sad! I will keep this family in my prayers.
So sad and shocking. A real tragedy. Twyla
Although I did not know this special lady, I understand the feelings you are having. I know we are not supposed to ask why?
Love what time you had her in your life, celebrate that for a time she rocked your world with her charm and love for her family...that is the gift.
Hugs, Mary
Oh Mimi, how tragic that is. So very, very sad. Sometimes words just don't seem enough do they. Life is very fragile. RIP Stacey.
Love Chrissie
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