Click to take you to my favorite recipes
I can close my eyes and smell my mother's kitchen filled with the aroma of baking cookies - butter, nuts, spices, dates, raisins, cherries. Varieties so numerous that when the cookies were arranged on a huge, round plate that she used exclusively for the holidays, it reminded me of a patchwork quilt. It was gorgeous. So pretty and colorful that you almost - and I say almost - didn't want to touch that beautiful array of delicacies. But, heck, dig in we did, and with gusto. During the holidays my mother's kitchen was always warm and always busy and always producing some of the most remarkable meals and pastries in all of Saginaw, Michigan.Back when my hands were more nimble and my eyes a little better I would spend hours and hours devoted to counted cross stitch. It was so relaxing for me to get lost in what I was doing when the boys were napping or had been put down for the night. The above piece I completed in 1983. My gosh, has it been that long? Seems like a lifetime ago...
This little sign rests on an antique chest of drawers in my bedroom because I just haven't found the perfect place for it - at least not yet. I adore the sentiment. No matter how old my grandchildren are they are still babies in my heart and I will always and forever have milk, cookies, hugs and kisses ready for each and every one of them when they come through the door of my home.
This plaque was painted for me by a good friend back in 1995. The story behind it is a little unsettling and isn't all that important for today. This sign was painted to remind me of the fact that unless we can promise something to ourselves and produce it by ourselves - everything else someone promises to us is a PROBABLY. We are the only ones that can guarantee anything in any amount of certainty to ourselves. We cannot rely on anyone - ever - to make us happy. That is our responsibility because everything else is a PROBABLY.

Isn't this little basket of blossoms adorable? This is a Goodwill Store find from years ago. Delicate and sweet, it sits on the dresser in my bedroom. It really doesn't have any purpose other than to make me happy and to make me smile and to make me feel good. It does all of those things easily and gets an A+ for effort☺
If you are a lover of pink and someone who enjoys lovely blog photos and great places to visit then you must travel over to Beverly's HOW SWEET THE SOUND today and check out all of the other wonderful people who participate in this special day - PINK SATURDAY. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

Another beautiful post Mimi. I love the way that you recall the smells of your mother's kitchen. I can almost smell those cookies now...
Best wishes and happy weekend, Natasha.
We also had special dishes to use for special occasions. When we cleaned out my mother's house, we would pick up a plate or something to pack and one of us would say: "I'm taking that! That's the chocolate cake plate!" ..or something similar. I wonder if our mother's planned for those memories to be planted in our heads?
Love your post!!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Thank you for stopping by. Your blog is gorgeous and your memories special.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Oh, Mimi! This is such a precious post! Thank you for sharing such special memories with us. Loved seeing the things you cherish.
Happy PS to you!
Sheila :-)
Hi Mimi,
Thanks so much for visiting this morning. I'm so glad to find your beautiful blog, which I'm now following. I remember mama's cooking, too, at the holidays. She had a special German coffee cake which she made. I cannot for the life of me make that coffee cake. I can come close, but it's never the same! Memories....I love your "Probably" sign, too. It is so right on! Have a blessed weekend and wonderful holiday season. Happy Pink Saturday!!!
Hi Mimi, What a wonderful post...I hope my children remember me in this way...Do hope you have time to stop over at my place for a visit...
Merry Christmas
Such a lovely post, Mimi. You brought back the memory of baking candy cane cookies with my Aunt Nena. She used to put an apron on me and I'd stand on the stepstool and help her with the cookies, well, eat them more than likely, LOL
Have a beautiful Pink Saturday and thank you so much for stopping by.
Isn't it wonderful we can close our eyes and smell something that takes us back to our childhood? Love your memories. Thank you for making my morning a little brighter, I came down with the crud yesterday and I had BOTH my flu shots. LOL I absolutely LOVE your blog and will be returning regularly. Thanks for stopping by mine.
Hi Mimi..your blog is just magical today! What special memories..thank you for sharing with us.
Many Blessings...xo Tami
Such a beautiful post. A kitchen filled with the aroma of fresh baking is hard to beat! Happy Pink Saturday.
What a lovely post know sometimes I think it's the things that do nothing for me but make me smile that are the most important things of all...presenting a smile to the world is the most important thing in my life these days. Makes the aches and pains seem less intrusive...Merry Christmas to you and your family from ours!
Thanks for this lovely post, memories are what the holidays are all about and you have made me renew many in my mind that were long forgotten!! Love your festive!!
Happy PS and enjoy your day!!
xOxO Nerina :)
What a wonderful Pink Saturday post, Mimi! Lovely memories! Thank you for sharing and it's nice to have you back! Have a beautiful Pink Saturday weekend.
I'm back again. I loved reading "The Velveteen Rabbit" on your sidebar. It's been a while since I read that, wonderful! Thank you.
I would love to add BIG snowflakes to my you know where I can find them??
What a wonderful post, Mimi. Happy PS to you and thank you for your kind words :o)
Oooh lots of fun stuff for Pink Saturday! Thanks for sharing!
What a lovely, warm sweet set of memories you have there, Mimi! I hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday! Suzie
Yummy! I sure would love to be in your mother's kitchen! Ha!
Mimi, thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving your kind comments! I really appreciate it!
Your post today is just lovely. The images you shared of your mother's cooking made me feel as if I was there too!
Love all your pinks, but what really touched my heart was your 'Probably' sign. True . . . so very true!
Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!
You promise? or probably ;) Just kidding you there. Anyhoo, I enjoyed you reminiscence about your mama baking goodies for Christmas. Mine did, too...banana nut bread, date nut bread )and she liked to mix crushed pineapple with cream cheese to top them).
Love your basket o' blossoms...what a delight. I love your cross-stitch sampler, too. So pretty and serene and with pink hearts and flowers no less! I love cross-stitching,too. Isn't it amazing to look at a piece you've done and realize how many years ago it was that you did it?!!
Happy Pink Christmas~
p.s.your blog background is gorgeous!
Oh Mimi, your share this week was so beautiful. I too used to cross stitch, I still have many patterns that are waiting to be completed, or and started. I really enjoyed all the countless hours spent on this craft. I just don't know where the times goes anymore, there is never enough of it. I love the smells of Christmas, and can imagine your mom in the kitchen with all the goodies. I think I may need to bake, thanks so much for sharing this memory with us, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
Amen to relying on ourselves for own happiness. That is so very true! I love your little sampler. I haven't cross-stitched in a while because crocheting is so much easier, doesn't take as much thought (unless I try a new pattern). A warm kitchen and the wonderful smells of cookies is a wonderful holiday memory! Blessings to you and yours, :) Tammy
Dear Mimi, I loved your stories - they are so heartwarming! Thanks for sharing ans thanks for visiting my blog! Warm Hugs from Austria,
Dear Mimi, I loved your stories - they are so heartwarming! Thanks for sharing ans thanks for visiting my blog! Warm Hugs from Austria,
Thanks for sharing memories and so many beautiful pictures.
Beautiful Pink post today, Mimi!
Happy Pink Saturday to you, thanks for stopping by and your lovely comments. Stay warm!
Such sweet memories. I can remember my mom making such wonderful cookies and candy! Thanks for sharing with us....Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday Mimi! You've brought back memories for me of my own mom's cookie baking!
Good morning Mimi! I can almost smell your Mama's kitchen the way you describes it. I love to do holiday baking too, with a good old movie on in the background. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful weekend!
Such sweet memories, Mimi...they are jogging my own memory. This is just a lovely post.
Hi Mimi! I don't think any of us as children truly appreciate the things our parents do for us. Growing up, we took a family vacation every summer. No matter where we went, we hiked -- everywhere! Even at 14, when we went to Hawaii and I wanted to lay out on the beach and check out the boys, my mom had us hiking to dormant volcanoes, and doing a 9 mile trek around an island. I hated that! But when I look back on it all now, I am so grateful for all those trips and I love, love, love walking now -- I can walk all day long and never tire of it. It took us 4 hours to walk Petra and back and it was a very hot day -- my post next week will be about Wadi Rum, where there are shifting sands. Now that, the kids really loved. We all had sand in our shoes for weeks. HA! Blessings to you! :) Tammy
Hi, Mimi,
I loved reading the memories of your mother's sweet smelling kitchen as she baked for you all there in Michigan. Your cross stitch is very pretty! Happy Pink Saturday to you!! Vicki
Your fingers sure were nimble, Mimi; that cross stitch looks perfect!
Mimi the post is beautiful.
I love the blog design.
Happy Pink Saturday
HPS! Love your background and the falling snowflakes!!!
Cute little basket of flowers and I so agree, we make our own happiness!
Adorable Pink Saturday post Mimi & I love your "probably" sign :-) Your blog background with the snowflakes & birds is beautiful!
I loved everything and about your post today. Very nicely done. It brought back a lot of pleasant memories of my mother.
Thank you for sharing your memories with us. I could almost pick up the aroma of your mother's cooking. I hope you are having a great day and are looking forward to the holidays.
Thanks so much for making my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺
I enjoyed your post! Thank you for sharing!
And thanks for dropping by my blog too. :-)
Happy Pink Saturday!
Thank you for the Christmas memories story. Mine is very similar to yours, about my moms baking for Christmas. Have a blessed Christmas.
What a lovely Post! Thanks for visiting my PINK Sat blog post! Have a blessed weekend!
As always, a wonderful post.
TTFN~ Marydon
Join us at our new blog ~
Cookies and baking always seem to go together with the Christmas season. My mom always had certain things she made every Christmas: pecan pie, divinity candy, coconut cake, chess pies, and more. I can't have any of those things without being transported to my childhood Christmases. Thanks for sharing your Christmas memories. Take care and I hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday.
I love the story of your mums warm sweet smelling kitchen I wander what my children will remember.
Isn't it funny how many of our memories involve food? Thanks for sharing such sweetness and yes, those grandbabies are sooo special always too! Happy pink week!!
It seems so many of us, when asked about a good memory, go right back to our mamas. Your's sounds wonderful and I hope and pray that I have made good memories for MY children and grandchildren. I try SO HARD!!
Thanks, Mimi, for this loving memory....
xo bj
Here I am ... a day late and waaaaaay down at the bottom. I appreciate the way you presented the 'probably' situation. "a little unsettling and isn't all that important for today". Helps me to learn how to say things that are like that in my life. And, I just read the quote by Anne Morrow on your sidebar. Great quote and wonderful picture to go w/it.
Where do you get your backgrounds and snow?See ya next time, Jenn
The cakes look so yummo! The only cookies I have been enjoying this december are the ones I have viewed on peoples blogs. But I think come Christmas day, I may throw the diet to the side and endulge. Lovely plaques. Hurray for goodwill... a lovely find from there.
Pink Blessings!
Hi Mimi,Oh I can almost smell your mother baking! my mom also made a lot of christmas goodies and we used to make a lot of handmade craft decorations!
Thanks for visiting my memory. I always like to say we did not have Norman Rockwell holiday. ever. But they were OUR holidays and still fond memories!
Have a great week!
Happy Pink Saturday, Mimi.
I can just imagine your mother in the kitchen baking all of those wonderful goodies. My mother did the same. It certainly wonderful to have some of those delicious cookies now.
Thank you for sharing your memory and all of your pretty pinks today.
Mimi, you are making me hungry, bad girl! Lovely evocative post about your mother's kitchen. I love your sweet little cross stitch piece. I used to cross stitch too and still have lots of charts (for some day:))
Thanks for stopping by.
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