What do you think that this is? Where do you think they are? How about what is directly below? What you see is the front of my breadbox and the little rosebud below is painted on the inside of the door. I ♥ my breadbox!

I just bet that you'll be able to guess where the pink curtains hang in my home. Yes, you're right! They are in the little powder-room on the main floor. That room, as is most of my home, is ultra feminine and filled with girlie goodies galore!

Let's see, we have little, pink rosebuds and pink stripes all wrapped up in the prettiest ticking that makes
my ironing board a pleasure to see and to use! Hey, if you have to iron, you might at well have a good view, right?

Last, but not least because it is used nearly daily is, you guessed it, my handy-dandy kitchen stool. It helps me get to the top shelf of my cupboards and pinch-hits with my grandsons when they need a little boost at the kitchen sink to wash their hands before we make cookies!

There you have my
Pink Saturday goodies. You'll find oodles of gorgeous blogs participating this week over at Beverly's
This week she asked us for hints about how we make all of our visits for
Pink Saturday because so many of us love to be included. Believe it or not, I visit each and every one of the blogs and sometimes there are over 160 of them! How do I do it? I divide Beverly's list into four sections. I do one in the morning. One around lunch-time, one after dinner and the last usually early on Sunday morning. They are all so pretty that I just see them each and every one!
I just love those powder room curtains, Mimi!! All your pinks are lovely! Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy PS! so many pinky pretties in here and I love them all! hard to pick one fave actually coz all are so pretty! thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Lovely pink.
Happy weekend.
Oh Mimi, my faves are your bread box and your stool! Yes, if it has to be a chore, why not make use of pretty things. It sure lessens the load LOL
Happy Pink Saturday!
Your home must be, just gorgeous....
MiMi Your bread box and stoll are so pretty.Happy Pink sat!Hugs,Jen
Just love all the pink girlie girl "stuff"!
Have a wonderful day!
good morning Mimi,
love your pinks today.
The ironing board cover might (notice I said MIGHT) entice me to iron!
Hi Mimi, I love all your pink. Love the bread box most. Have a good PS.
The stool is so pretty... really nice tole painting is hard to find down here. The gray background really sets it off... one of my favorite color combos.
Happy Pink Saturday :-)
~Julia @ Drawn to the Sea
Everything is sooooo girly...I love it! Those pink poweder room curtains, with the lacy sheers underneath are perfect for my spare bedroom, which is my office/sewing room, and I just decided to do it in pink and white, so this was inspiring for me! Did you make the curtains, or buy them? Love the breadbox and stool too. Perfectly Girly Pink!
So many lovely pink items!
Happy Pink Saturday. Hope it's pinkilicous! ;)
Good idea about visiting all participants. Lovely pinks! Happy PS!
LOvely pink girlir stuff. Happy pink Saturday
your hosue sounds so lovley that bread box is a treat
Happy Pink Saturday! Pink roses are my favorite thing in the world.
There are always so many pretties on your blog, that it's hard to choose a favorite. This time I think it's the little breadbox. It's just gorgeous. Happy Pink Saturday..have a lovely day.
all your pinks are gorgeous!!!!
Beautiful PS post!! Thanks for stopping by today also.
Mimi, your house must be as sweet as you! I love what you have in your powder room! Have a wonderful Pink weekend!
Hi Mimi! just beautiful!
happy pink saturday!
Hi Mimi! just beautiful!
happy pink saturday!
Hello, Mimi,
Okay, I definitely need that bread box and sweet stool. They'd fit right in with my decor! I enjoyed all your pink pretties. Thanks for visiting me at Bunny Cottage. Have a blessed weekend. Vicki
Way to sweet Pinks!!! Love them all!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
Lovely pink pics, thanks for sharing!
~*Happy Pink Saturday*~
Hi Mimi! You are a very sweet blogger...and you are the Pink Saturday queen! :0)
Oh la..la..I always love your sweet pink posts....lol...I think I'll book a night to stay in one of your girly rooms!
I love your bread box too and all your other pinks for today. Happy Pink Saturday.
I know I'm always going to see some pretty darn cute pink stuff when I visit you. Hope you are having a Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn
Happy Pink Saturday!
Your bread box is fabulous!
~ Gabriela ~
Beautiful handpainted things. Did you do the painting? I used to do lots of decorative painting. That was during my pre-reading glasses days. Not sure how well I could see to paint now.
you have some very pretty things in your home. I love the top of that step stool! Bless your heart for reading each and every blog. I'll have to try that one day when I'm not babysitting little one. Happy Pink sweetness out your way. I hope Michigan weather clears up for you before the snows come!
Happy Pink Saturday, Mimi! What gorgeous pinks you've shared! It would be a treat to see your bread box everyday. Enjoy your weekend.
Love you stool...and all your pinks in your decor!
Amazing you get to everyone's blog!!!
I am so bad and don't get to even half...
Happy Pink Saturday, Mimi! Love all your pink things - the stool and the breadbox are wonderful!
I'm loving all your pinks today, but what is really doing it for me is that gorgeous little stool! Did you paint it yourself?
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Such cute pinks in your home!
Thanks for visiting me today... I hope your Saturday is Happy and very PiNK!
Hello Mimi
A special blessing to you for visiting every one,thank you so very much for your visit to me. I am sorry I am responding so late, I got called into work,unexpectedly.
If I had that bread box,I too would love it,what a lovely surprise.
Your kitchen stool is very pretty, my grandson loves to do dishes with me I am sure he'd love to hop up on that stool, instead of dragging the dinning chair to the sink:)
Happy Pink Saturday to you.
Chat with you when I rtturn from my trip.
PS your grandson is so cute,in your side bar.
Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie!
Love your post as always - you always have the NICEST things to show us. Plus you get my total admiration for managing to visit everyone the way you do every week. I do try... but sometimes, it just isn't possible.
Have a lovely weekend, too!
You have such a pretty blog! It was fun to see all your pink pretties. I am inspired to either buy or make a new ironing board cover. Mine is getting all worn out. Thank you so much for visiting me today. Have a good week!
Happy PINK Saturday...you always have such wonderful things! Warm wishes, Esther
Oh I love your pinks all of them I want to visit your pretty pink frilly home. Happy PS sorry I am late today.
Happy PS, Mimi! Love all the pretty pinks! Can't pick a fav, they are all so beautiful!
Have a lovely weekend!
Happy PS. I spent my day running around with girlfriends.
Cool Pinks. I hope you had a great pink Saturday and the rain goes away soon.
Hi Mimi, Happy Pink Saturday! You have too many beautiful pinks..and i love them all.
Happy PS and have a great weekend
I'm impressed, I can't believe you can get to that many posts and leave comments...I still don't know how you do it. If you were at mine today, I apologize my post was not up early...I've had computer problems and a stressssssful week. Happy ps.
hi Mimi! Love your breadbox, I need one, but never find anyone that I like, but I love yours!!have a great weekend! From AK;)
Thats amazing that you visit them all!! I've only just started but today I am visiting each one that commented on my post and commenting back...the commenting adds a fair chunk of time on. Anyway I love the style of these pieces...greens and pinks together are lovely.
Everything in your pink post is beautiful. I can see why you love your breadbox - gorgeous :)
Have a lovely week.
ciao for now,
I think I never saw such beautiful breadbox.
Love your pinks Mimi - the bread box is wonderful. Thanks for stopping by - Happy Pink Saturday!
That kitchen stool is lovely! I don't think I could actually use it.
Thanks for visiting on Pink Saturday. Your pink photos are wonderful. Wishing you a blessed week...Sherry
Hello Mimi, you are amazing with your comments. I am so wordy it takes me forever to visit so many pinkies. It is a challenge for me, but I would love to do better. I do enjoy Pink Saturday so much. Here it is Sunday and I am still trying to visit 'my' visitors. thanks for your hint.
I love your cute post today as always. Your pretty pinks tell a wonderful story. I do enjoy your visits too. Thank you for enjoying my castle posts. Your sweet comment is my reward for all the time it took to do those posts. I struggled with so many photos to share. BIG smile here.
PS, I will be visiting in MI around Sept. 21st for a week. I am going to see family in Oxford about 50 miles north of Detroit. I hope the weather is good.
Hi Mimi, I LOVE all these pinks, but I think, believe it or not, my favorite is the ironing board!.. I never thought I'd hear myself say such words.. but it's TRUE! I LOVE that ironing board cover!.. Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend! ~tina
Hi Mimi
Love the little stool for your grandsons and the spaghetti photo in the side bar.
Thanks for stopping by The Old Parsonage, I love company!
Hi Mimi,
So glad you stopped by on PS. I hope your weather has cleared up by now!
Have a great week,
Thank you to share these cute pinkies and thank you for your kind comments. I wish you a nice week.
Busy weekend. Just now getting around to Enjoy all the PINK.
I love all the Beautiful Pink around your house. I have been adding more to my house since I started the PINK Saturday!
Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"
Hi Mimi! I LOVE your hand-painted roses! Hope you had a happy PS!!
So pretty! Happy PS!
Happy Pink Saturday, Mimi. Your painted roses are gorgeous! I still can't get to everyone's blog, I don't know how you do it! But I thank you for stopping by!
Mimi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments.
I love all your pink goodies! That breadbox is wonderful . . . I bet the bread tastes that much better coming out of it!
Hope you have a fantastic week!
Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
Hello Ms. Mimi,
What yummy pink goodness you offer today. Thank you for your kind note. Here's hoping your Pink Saturday was just divine.
Cheers! =D
What a busy week!! Just now getting around to PS posts! Yikes!
Beautiful Pink Post!
Love your pinks ... they are to die for! TTFN ~Marydon
Has it stopped raining yet? I am still visiting pink posts as I pulled my back last Friday and wasn't able to sit at all on Saturday. Your pinks were worth the wait.Such a lovely blog. I bought a stool at auction the other day for $3 it is an all wood step stool and you have inspired me to paint it pink with flowers for my grand-girls to reach the counter when we make cookies. Have a great day !Meg
Your roses are so beautiful.
what a great artist you are!!
Barbara Jean
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