I'm thinking of blessings that I am so thankful for that give me a sense of comfort and leave me with a warm fuzzy when I think about them. Things that I have always considered to be soul food. Those little bits of enjoyment that cost little to nothing but reap millions in returns.
- Small towns. You can leave your car unlocked when you run from store to store without fear that you'll come back to an empty back-seat - all your parcels gone. You can leave Jimmy's bike on the front lawn when he takes his nap and it will be there when he wakes up to play again. It never fails, when you go to the store there will always be someone there that you haven't seen for ages and the two of you catch up on news at the checkout - small town blessings.
- Flower bulbs and rhizomes. Inside each and every one of them is the promise of spring and blue skies and birds building nests. When we cover them with soil in the fall we are placing trust in God that spring will come again and the earth will renew itself bursting forth with color and scent and texture.
- Church bells. On Sunday morning I can hear the bells peeling from the Presbyterian Church about three blocks from my house. A free concert lasting about 15 minutes playing selected classical music with rich tones and resonance. I close my eyes, sit back in my chair and take in the magnificent chorus - ushering their message of good will all the way to my soul.
- My soaker tub. Nothing more relaxing in the winter months than sliding down into that deep tub filled with bubbles and letting the whole, wide world disappear. I have been known to fall asleep in that tub only to wake up wishing I hadn't snoozed because the water was less than cozy when my eyes opened an hour later!
- Baby powder. Spring, summer, fall or winter after a good soak I dust myself all over with baby powder - just like sprinkling a favorite dessert. Baby powder has been a staple in my home for years. When the grandsons were little they always got powdered after their sleepover bubble bath and had ample amounts of the silky stuff shook into their little slippers. The boys just loved to wriggle their little toes around in them and feel the powder's silky goodness - quite frankly, so do I☺
What a great post..... Our town used to be like that but not anymore. We have had a huge influx of population in the past few years & it has ruined that..... I too love baby powder!!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
My husband lived in Wheeling WV and that was a great little small town when I met him. We don't get back there much anymore. I sprinkle powder when I change the sheets on our beds each week. So nice to climb into bed with fresh sheets that smell great to boot! Blessings to you, :) Tammy
Baby powder!!!!I thought I was the only grown up in the world who enjoyed a good dousing of baby powder! A kindred spirit at last!
Another beautiful post Mimi- I so love coming to visit you!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes, Natasha.
Oh yes Mimi! All of those wonderful things you mentioned...I miss not living near the church bells anymore...specially now that they are gearing up for Christmas Carols!
Love this sweet post, MIMI...
We use baby powder around here, too. Bill puts it in his boots for sliding on easier, plus smelling good..I use it, too....
Ahhhhhhhh. Jenn.
LOVE your lists of things to be thankful for. Small towns - I live in one and at first it took me a long time to adjust, coming from the outskirts of the big city as I did. But now I love it and would not want to live any place else! There is something wonderful about going to the bank, the hair dresser, the grocery store, where ever, and people knowing your name and stopping to chat for a while!! As for baby powder - I am a baby powder fool too! I can not get thru the day with out it, and love it when my kids hug me and tell me how good I smell!! I use it for lots of other things too, and can easily say, "I never leave home without it!" have a good weekend ~~ Debby
Some very important things to be thankful for. Easy to forget sometimes. I love your music.
The truth comes out. Baby powder is not just for little babies. I thought I was one of the few, too:) I love the new lavender scented one, but the best is just the original scent.
It sounds like you live in a wonderful small town. I loved your list today.
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