Sadly, as a result, my Pink Saturday post was not completed. I had such cute goodies to show all of you but when I am called upon to have little boys overnight - well, there is NO contest!

"...generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand..." The Velveteen Rabbit (the Skin Horse)
Hi Mimi, Unexpected things can happen anytime. I was unable to post my pink saturday last week due to computer & blog problems.
I'll wish you a Happy Pink Saturday - to hopefully brighten your day.
ciao for now,
Elena :)
Methinks family always takes precedence to blogging ;-)
Why does a new gaming window pop up and fill the screen when I click to leave a comment? That seems strange and a bit disconcerting.
Hugs and blessings,
I hope you enjoy your time with your family.
Happy Pink Saturday and Merry Christmas.
You are going to have more fun with the kid-lings than posting a write for Pink Saturday ... just think 6 little pin feet & 6 little pink hands keeping you happily in the pink!
Merry Christmas ~
TTFN ~Marydon
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And seeing as they're boys, they wouldn't be interesting in Gramma dying their hair pink or something??? You know.. for the cause? Good for you that you've got your priorities in the right order. Family always comes first! (Maybe new pink jammies?) Ok! I'll stop and behave!
Hey you have to have your priorities in I would have done the same thing too.... I really miss all my grandkids... they are all 12hrs away now,,, have a great weekend...
Merry Christmas to you all;
I hope you enjoyed your Saturday with your grandsons, what could be better.;)
How lucky for them and for you!!! Nice that they live closeby to you Mimi!
Hope you had fun and aren't too tired today! :)) Pink Sat. wasn't the same without you!
This is the season of forgiveness and you don't even have to ask!!! I hope you had a perfect time with the children, I love being a grand parent. Mimi, I want to wish you a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy PInk Saturday and see you in 2010, Char
Catching up on my blog reading. That's quite understandable that the kiddos come first. No replacing that!
Thanks for the wintry stroll through snow and then some. Love those descriptive 'tales'.
PS I think the click on picture to print is neat - I got distracted and haven't gotten the recipes I want -- but hope to be back and get them! Among a few other things I was hoping to look at ... time just gets away sometimes.
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