During the Holiday Season, our neighbors and friends tend to be gifted with of our baking and candy making efforts. This is a fun and personal way to share your treats. Nothing says, I care, more than delicious offerings made with your own hands. There is no reason you can't go all the way☺ - presenting your delicious cookies or candies on a plate embellished with l♥ve.
Supplies for Holiday Ribbon Plates
- paper plates, any color or size (you can use plastic plates, but they’re MUCH harder to punch)
- craft or hole punch
- ribbon, craft ribbon or curling ribbon
- treats
- children
- smiles
- a great imagination
Once the ribbon has been through each hole, make sure both ends are even to tie it together in a bow
Now fill them with some of your favorite treats and they’re ready for family and neighbors and teachers and mailmen and friends!I usually have a little supply on hand to fill with goodies when someone drops by. We sit down for tea and I fill a little plate of cookies for them to carry home.
If you would like to get really fancy you can fill with cookies or treats place one plate on top of the other and thread them closed. When you are set to tie your bow add a gift tag laced through and you are all set! This is a great method when little guys are carrying a holiday gift to school for their teacher. The goodies stay inside and clean!
PS: Yesterday as I was leaving comment on T's Daily Treasures (if you haven't met her, you should visit. A sweeter gal there isn't on this planet) I told her that these plates were cute as a button. That got me thinking - I'm going through my button box for some cute ones to add to the plates - or how about checking out JoAnn's for some Christmas buttons to add to the ribbon edges? Oh heck, just let your imagination run wild! It's good for the brain - keeps it limber and young☺
PS: Don't forget, if you need any hints or terribly delicious recipes for the holidays or for any day of the week, always check out my sidebar. DELICIOUS DECIONS. All of the recipes that I share on my food blog, Standing at the Kitchen Door, are updated here daily.

Hi Mimi! This is a fantastic idea. Sure beats buying expensive Christmas plates. I was at the grocery store yesterday and xmas melamine plates that would sell in the States for $1.99, were being sold here for nearly $6. You can bet I put those bad boys back. I am so doing the ribbon and plate idea next week for teacher gifts and goodies! I made your delish Sour Cream Cranberry Oatmeal Bars yesterday and posted it and you on my blog. They turned out perfect and I am sharing them at work today. Blessings to you! I'm enjoying all your creative craftiness this holiday season. Blessings :) Tammy
I think your home must be so full of joy, love and laughter at all times.;) And most of all colours and beauty.;) Every time I visit here I feel all warm inside.;)
Enjoy your crafts.;)
Yes, homemade gifts are the very best because they have thought in them and not just a snatch and grab from a store. Cute idea with the plate! Fancy Christmas plates are so expensive!
I am so enjoying all these wonderfully festive holiday ideas you are sharing with all of us! You have such a good heart, sweet friend!!! xoxo
Lovely idea, Mimi! Thank you for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week.
Christmas blessings,
What a great idea for gift giving!!
I have come by by way of Tammy at T's Daily Treasures and am having difficulty finding the Sour Cream Cranberry Oatmeal Bars she mentioned in her blog that you created.
could you please tell me the link to them - They sound so yummy and would love to make some!
thank you
Mimi, you are so talented! This is a cute idea. I love your blog background. I can feel your Christmas spirit.
You sure are a creative lady. The ribbon idea is great!
Looked at some of you tempting Christmas treats, you're a talented baker, they all look so good, I really like the poor little desperate snowman creation.
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