Valentine's Day is about a month down the road, so it's not too early to begin thinking about the dinner and dessert you'll be serving up to the important l♥ves in your life. This cake is SPECTACULAR! One caveat, don't wear white when making it or eating it - unless you like to live dangerously!
This cake is very tender and can be difficult to frost. What I have found to be a life-saver is to freeze the baked layers and then frost - works like a charm - no cake crumbs to concern yourself with that may mix into the frosting and ruin the absolute perfection you have created. Voila!
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1 teaspoon white vinegar
2 1/2 cups cake flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 to 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
5/8 ounce bottle red food coloring
Preheat the oven to 350F. Cream the eggs, sugar, oil and vinegar. Sift the cake flour, baking soda, and cocoa together. Add the flour mixture to the creamed ingredients while beating. Slowly add the buttermilk. While still beating, add the vanilla and the food coloring. Pour into three 8-inch layer pans and bake for about 25 minutes. Press lightly;if the layers are spongy, then the cake is done. Frost the cooled layers, assemble and frost the top and sides. Serves 12 to 14.
Red Velvet Cake Frosting
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter
1 (1 pound) box confectioners sugar
1 cup chopped pecans
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Combine the cream cheese and butter and melt over very low heat. Add the sugar, pecans and vanilla and mix well. If the frosting becomes too thick, add a little milk. Frost one 8-inch or 9-inch layer cake.

This cake could make me cheat on my yummmie looking.
Love the garland you are making too. You have such fun things.
It is never to early for love....I love you, Mary
The song Stranger on the shore was a sweet favorite of mine in high school. It was my boyfriend at the time...he would have it played for me at lunch. Memories!!!!
Mmmm, even the title sounds heavenly, not to mention the pictures. I am sure the taste is incredible.;)
Sounds decadent and divine! I was trying to find a sliver of dark chocolate here today at work but it seems everyone's resolution in 2010 is no sweets. Ugh! Just one little piece of something delish never hurt anyone. :) Have a great day! Tammy
Yummy!!! I wish I didn't have high blood sugar and could endulge in this. I love your little list on the side bar about what you will do in 2010. You have such a lovely , positive blog.
Yummy!!! I wish I didn't have high blood sugar and could endulge in this. I love your little list on the side bar about what you will do in 2010. You have such a lovely , positive blog.
That's Yummy!!!!
I am saving that! And you use cocoa powder, how funny for a red cake, huh? :)
Thanks for the recipe vvv appropriate for valentines!
btw, the south of France is now on a melt down... :D
Oh my! That cake looks DELICIOUS! I remember having red velvet cake when I was a child and it was one of my favorites. I'm thinking it would be fun to surprise my dh on Valentine's Day with this cake. I'm not one to cook much, so he would be very surprised. But it would be so yummy. And I loved the little crocheted heart garland you shared. I'd love to give that a try. Maybe I'll try it when I'm watching the Redwings play tomorrow night : ) Thanks so much for sharing.
that cake is divine looking! I would so like to make that this weekend! Or... can I just come over and eat yours?
Why not? We're likely only a few hours apart!
Oh dear that is one of my favorite cakes but know if I made I would just eat way to much!
Mimi: My cooking class starts January 30. I told you I was going to learn to cook. When I do, all this good stuff will no longer just be eye candy! Blessings, Martha
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