I must have the holidays, family and winter on my mind. This year I will have all of my family together for Thanksgiving now that my oldest son and his family has made the trek north and over the Mackinac Bridge. Two sons, great wives and seven grandchildren. It will be wonderful. And winter - well that is just around the corner. Today I pulled my flannels to the front of the closet and sent my early fall clothing into exile for another year. My list of blessings for today are:
- Belly laughs. There's nothing - absolutely nothing - that lightens the load more than a hearty belly laugh. The kind that starts deep inside and just explodes. Sharing that laugh with a friend is the best but I've been known to have one creep up on me when I'm alone. Am I self conscious? Nope, who cares☺ It's free and it's good for you.
- Flannel night shirts. When it's really cold outside and you get chilled right to the bone there's just something so wonderful about a hot bath and then slipping into soft, thick and comfy flannel. You feel like a little kid again - all snuggled and safe.
- Liquid bath soaps. Remember the bar and the wash cloth? It got the job done but not with the flair of Sweet Pea scented bath lotion and a spa puff. I ♥ Sweet Pea but you might be more of a purist that is attracted to herbal potions or mixes that promote rest. Whatever your fancy - there's something that will make you feel wonderful and special, I'm sure☺
- Hand-knit mittens. I have a pair of mittens that I would miss terribly if they were lost. Gloves just don't warm the hands like mittens do. In a mitten all of your fingers can cuddle together - side-by-side - instead of being separated and having to work at warming themselves by their lonesome.
- Long five foot scarf. I have a couple of these that have saved my chin, lips and nose several times when the temps dip below zero and that happens often in my neck of the woods. You can wrap one of those beauties around your neck and still have plenty left to cover all of the vulnerable places on your face when you need to be outside.

I love liquid bar sops.;) And kittens.;) And everything else you always list.;)
I wear long scarves here even if it doesn't get that cold. I love liquid soap -- the bars just feel dry and awful now (but my husband loves soap and buys it all the time). Flannel is nice -- I need new pajamas. It's cool and drizzly here today. Wishing you a day of blessings and the happiest of Thanksgivings. :) Tammy
Thoroughly enjoyed your post as always. I had to think about the mitten thing. Oh yah, got it. :) I told my mom about the freezer bag thing (it's on my sidebar under "Funny & oops" or something like that.) We belly laughed.
Ahhhhh. :Jenn
I love your Thanksgiving posts. Thanks for making me think and give thanks for the little things.
Belly Laughs! Yes! Any day you can have a belly laugh is an excellent one! Hi from across the Lake!
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